Onboard developers
(insert big percentage)% Faster

Philosophy: Deep knowledge over pattern-matching
Access the story of your codebase

Other tools answer questions about the codebase. Looking for answers in the code is like looking for the part in The Lord of the Rings that says “Frodo is a good guy”. UpToSpeed accesses the concepts behind the code, and designs exercises that will give you deep knowledge, fast.

Improve onboarding in no time with UpToSpeed

Step 1: Code Analysis

UpToSpeed conducts a thorough code analysis. This initial phase meticulously scans the codebase, identifying its architecture, key components, and underlying patterns. By building an intricate map of the code, it sets the foundation for a more targeted and effective learning experience for developers.

Step 2: Learn About The Student

After the initial analysis, UpToSpeed gets to know the developer. It gathers information about their background, experience, and learning style. This data is then used to tailor the learning experience to the developer’s needs, ensuring a more personalized and effective onboarding process.

Step 3: Course Generation

UpToSpeed generates a interactive course designed to make newcomers masters of the codebase in record time.


Steps image


What you get with UpToSpeed

Free up time for senior engineers

UpToSpeed reduces the mentoring load on senior engineers. By equipping junior developers with a deeper understanding of the codebase, senior professionals can focus more on advanced tasks and strategic decisions, enhancing overall team efficiency.

Remove impostor syndrome

UpToSpeed makes developers feel confident with every piece of code they touch. By unraveling the intricate aspects of a codebase, it empowers developers to work with renewed conviction, secure in the knowledge that they have a thorough understanding of the foundation.

Stay UpToSpeed with changes

What happened in the code since last you looked at it? UpToSpeed can provide you with a guided tour of all changes that has recently been made

Onboarding never stops

Software engineers constantly move between projects, look at different codebases, and work with new people. UpToSpeed can help you get up to speed with new projects and new teams in no time.


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